
发布时间:2023-04-10 发布者: 浏览次数:


                        姓名:方庆性别: 院系:材料与冶金学院
目前发表学术论文10余篇,近期代表性论文:[1]Fang Q, Ni H, Zhang H, et al. Influence of SEN on flow, solidification, and solute transport in bloom casting mold[J]. JOM, 2018, 70(5):719-725. (SCI)[2] Fang Q, Ni H, Wang B, et al. Effects of EMS induced flow on solidification and solute transport in bloom mold[J]. Metals, 2017, 7(3):72. (SCI)[3] Fang Q, Ni H, Zhang H, et al. The effects of a submerged entry nozzle on flow and initial solidification in a continuous casting bloom mold with electromagnetic stirring[J]. Metals, 2017, 7(4):146. (SCI)[4] Fang Q, Ni H, Zhang H, et al. Numerical study on solidification behavior and structure of continuously cast u71mn steel[J]. Metals, 2017, 7(11):483. (SCI)[5] Fang Q, Ni H W, Wang S J, et al. Numerical simulation on the solidification structure of Ø600mm continuous casting round bloom[C]. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2016, 117(1): 012036. (EI)[6] Zhang H, Luo R, Fang Q, et al. Numerical simulation of transient multiphase flow in a five-strand bloom tundish during ladle change[J]. Metals, 2018, 8(2):146. (SCI)
1.连铸坯中心偏析数值模拟及控制技术研发,中冶连铸技术工程有限公司,2015.7-2017.7,骨干研究人员.2. 钢包底吹氩工艺优化,湘钢,2016.7-2016.12,骨干研究人员。3. 方坯连铸工艺优化及滑板长寿化技术开发,湘钢,2017.8-2018.8,骨干研究人员。4. 界面作用控制钢中夹杂物遗传特性及其晶粒细化机制,国家自然科学基金项目面上项目,2018.1-2021.12,参与。

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